Vintage Universal High voltage divider 35 kV max made in ex-USSR Boxed NOS For Sale

Vintage Universal High voltage divider 35 kV max made in ex-USSR Boxed NOS

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Vintage Universal High voltage divider 35 kV max made in ex-USSR Boxed NOS:

Universal voltmeter DNV is a high-voltage voltage divider used to expand the limits of measuring DC voltage with an input resistance of (10 ± 0.05) MΩ.
The DNV divider has a DC input voltage range of 0-40kV. For the high-voltage DNV voltage divider product, the division ratios are 1:1000 and 1:2000, 1:5000. In this case, the DNV error is 0.5% or 0.6%.
The output voltage dividers DNV have an input resistance to direct current (500 ± 25) Ohm and an output resistance to direct current (0.526 ± 0.026) MΩ.
High-voltage voltage dividers DNV are manufactured in dimensions 515×80×80mm and weight 1kg (without box, so shipping can be less if you don't need a box!) Specifications DNV DNV dividers are supplied complete with V7-40 voltmeter. They provide measurement of direct voltage from 1 kV to 30 kV, while the voltmeter readings correspond to:
- 0.001U(DNV) when measuring DC voltage with a voltmeter with DNV;
- 0.0005U(DNV) when measuring DC voltage with a voltmeter with DNV and K2 shunt;
- 0.0002U(DNV) when measuring DC voltage with a voltmeter with DNV and K3 shunt;
where U(DNV) is the value of the measured voltage at the input of the high-voltage voltage divider DNV. The DNV divider has the following limits of permissible values of the main error when measuring direct voltage:
- voltmeter with DNV: +/- (0.4 + 0.04 (Uk / U - 1);
- voltmeter with DNV and K2 shunt: +/-(0.4+0.04(Uk/Ush1 - 1);
- voltmeter with DNV and K3 shunt: +/-(0.4+0.04(Uk/Ush2 - 1);
where Uk is the final value of the set measurement limit of the voltmeter (200mV, 2V; 20V; 200V), U=0.001 U(DNV), Ush1=0.0005 U(DNV), Ush2=0.0002 U(DNV), U(DNV ) - the value of the measured voltage at the input of the high-voltage voltage divider DNV.
The limits of permissible values of the additional error of the V7-40 (V7-40/1) voltmeter with DNV(not included in lot), as well as with DNV and K2 and K3 shunts when measuring direct voltage, are equal to half the main error from temperature changes for every 10ᵒС within the operating temperature range.

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