Senior Year Journal Scrapbook Memory Keepsake Book (High School or College) For Sale

Senior Year Journal Scrapbook Memory Keepsake Book (High School or College)

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Senior Year Journal Scrapbook Memory Keepsake Book (High School or College):

High Scholl Or CollegeNot pre dated for any year. Good for this years senior or junior going to be a senior next yearNew old stock from high end estate sale. Items were display at a retail store.
No writing inside the book
Marked as used as they come from an estate sale. They were display items at a brick and motor store but never used in very good condition.
Great to document any senior moment:Any senior memory class Motosand such, class dates, special friends,class signatures, photos and clippings, notes and comments about teachers and facility, clubs andorganizations. Home coming and prom notes and pcitures.Clubs and organizationand sporting events pictures and clippings.Special family holidays andvacations senioryearSpecial Social events.Just a catch all for all your special senior MEMORIES.

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